
Need a Makeover!!!

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Stagnation leads to boredom and monotony. We always desire for transition in life. If we are stationed at one place for work or staying at home for long, we look for change. Similarly, we seek for variation and change in our appearance as we want to look different. But most of us just stick to dictionary meaning of makeover that is: transformation in appearance of someone or something. This article will be in the form of question and answers and my perspective of makeover.

Question 1: Why do we want makeover in our life?

Answer: Looking ourselves in the mirror with the same tresses, same hair colour, same face gives dullness and monotony after some time, and hence, we look for a makeover. We change the style and fashion of our hair and apply products to appear better and different.

Question 2: Is this makeover long lasting?

Answer: NO. Rather, this makeover is temporary and momentary. After a few days you get used to the new style and colour of hair and it becomes new normal and after a little more time it is regular. When you wash your face in the night, before sleeping, and change your attire, you are revealed to your true self in appearance. Therefore, this makeover is not long lasting, rather it is very short lived.

Question 3: Does this makeover give pleasure for long?

Answer: NO. The pleasure that we get from makeover is non-permanent, as the new look, design and fashion fades away after sometime. So, the happiness that one gets from makeover is transient. You are again in the same cycle of boredom and monotony and then once more in search for makeover.

Question 4: Is there any makeover that is permanent?

Answer: The answer to this question is both Yes and No.

Well! There is no such makeover that is permanent. Over a period of time, the physical beauty and appearance will die away. Even if you get various kinds of treatments, eventually, the outcome whether it is positive or negative, will decline and grow dim. Even if you apply lots of beauty products to look appealing (appealing to own self or others), in due course, you have to unveil and admit to your true identity.

So, how can this makeover be permanent?

  • It is permanent, once you accept your true identity.
  • Invest your time and money on makeover of your heart and mind, as that is permanent.
  • Spend time to know your weaknesses and negative attributes, and do a transformation of that. That makeover will be permanent.
  • Accept the fact, that change is the only constant, rest is temporary.
  • Bring about transition in attitude towards own self and others, this makeover will be permanent.

Question 5: So, it means that we should not try to look different and look the way we want to?

Answer: No, I don’t say that. If you really want to have a makeover and appear different, the way you want, you should go ahead undoubtedly. Otherwise, this unfulfilled desire will disturb you internally for long. But, accept the fact that this change will be momentary. Accept the fact that, the happiness and pleasure will be temporary, but I also say that every human being is entitled to happiness even if for small duration.

However, if you are looking for long term makeover and long lasting happiness then pay more consideration and awareness to your mind, soul and consciousness rather than physical aspects and attributes which are transient and short lived. Remember you are the best version of yourself.

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Alka mahajan
Alka mahajan
1 year ago

Extremely well written article. It is so very much right that awareness to soul consciousness, can only bring permanent happiness or bliss, things which are temporary, can only bring temporary happiness

Abha Mahajan
Abha Mahajan
11 months ago

Very beautifully penned . We need to change to evolve ourselves.. physical beauty will eventually fade away … so the best investment is health n education