
Mind Your Language

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In 1970’s there was a British sitcom “Mind Your Language” and then later in 1980’s there came Hindi version of the same “Zabaan Sambhal Ke”.  Both British and Hindi sitcoms were a hit T.V series; wherein a teacher is trying to teach his students a language. Today, in this article I am going to give my version of “Mind Your Language”.

Language is a way of communication through words, writing and gesture. For me, the method of communication talks a lot about a person’s personality. Choice of words, tone, expression and gesture play a very vital role in character building of an individual and is intrinsic of your nature and not something superficial.

Language is not what you learn in school, there it is taught only as a subject, only to gain knowledge. Language is the way you communicate on a daily basis with other fellow human beings. It is the correct use of tone, expressions and words to convey your message even if you don’t know nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. Language at home on a daily basis with family is what is inherent of your nature, otherwise what and how you speak outside your home is only deception.

When we say “Mind your Language” to anyone, what do you expect? The other individual should use correct words and not abuse, right? But, other than words it is also the correct tone of your voice that matters. Even if the words are not abusive but the feel of the sound is hard and harsh, then also it is a part of your language; and we say “Mind your Tone”.  For your own practical test, take a sentence, “this work has to be completed by EOD today, anyhow”. Now, try to speak this sentence 1st with a harsh tone, next with firmness in the voice but not hard and lastly speak politely. Once you finish doing this exercise, you yourself will realise how important is the feel of sound in communication and which tone of speech is better.

Body language is another way of expressing your views and conveying your message. In this, no sound, no words are involved yet communication happens with another person. The power of expressions and body language is much more than the power of words.

You can experiment it for yourself. In the first situation try to ignore a person (maybe your friend or family) without saying anything to him/her and then vice- a- versa. In the second situation show your anger and arrogance through your look and overall body language (posture, expressions, looks etc.) and then he/she will do the same to you. In the last situation try to emote love and compassion with no words involved and then the other individual will do the same. At the end of this whole process, you yourself will realise the impact of body language on self and the others.

Selection of words is a salient feature of language, I personally do not promote use of insulting and offensive words in any form and at any point. Rude and abusive words as a part of normal speech also is a big NO for me, even in comedy shows, stand-up comedy, songs, movies and T.V series, use of foul language is not only derogatory but not funny as well.


Again, take a practical test on yourself; take a funny sentence like; “My wallet is like an onion, every time I open it, it makes me cry”. Now add any abusive word in the beginning of the sentence and repeat, now see how does it make the sentence funnier? Actually the meaning and the feel of the sentence is the same, but since it is used in a comic way, we don’t realise that we are actually using an abusive word.

The problem is, how and when these words become a part of your daily language, we don’t even come to know and how it damages our character unknowingly is beyond imagination. Use of words in any form of speech reflects your personality; that’s the reason our elders used to say “think before you speak”.

As readers you may or may not agree with me, but in my view, language is not only words; it is also emotions and communication through tone, expressions and behaviour.

In the end, I would just say subject matter is a different thing, but learning language is very different. No outside teacher can teach you language, you yourself is the greatest teacher for the same. Your friends and family can guide you with correct expression and behaviour but execution lies only in your hands. Express your views and thoughts, convey your message and communicate in such a way that nobody ever says “Mind you Language”.


Disclaimer: these are purely my views and thoughts with no intension to hurt and harm anyone.

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Alka mahajan
Alka mahajan
1 year ago

Very nice article. I would like to go further, that we should not only mind our language, but mind our thoughtstoo. What comes out as language, is first thought in the mind. If our thoughts are happy, our words are also light and so is our body language

Great thoughts, swati

Dr Shashi Tiwari
Dr Shashi Tiwari
1 year ago

Well written article on language.. congratulations!

Seema Gupta
Seema Gupta
1 year ago

Yes it’s true body language is more effective and powerful than Power of words definitely it affects other in positive way

1 year ago

The power of words- amazingly elucidated. Keep it going 👏🏻

Abha Mahajan
Abha Mahajan
1 year ago

Very well said Swati … great power of expression too!
Words .. that is the language and the way they are spoken are very powerful indeed .. and when we talk of body language even your silence conveys a lot and is sometimes more powerful than words.So one should mind their language .. it can make a strong impact and inspire someone or seriously hurt someone too! 😊

Neetu Gupta
Neetu Gupta
1 year ago

Knowing what is right … doing what is wrong… …is what means lack of self knowledge…so one needs to understand one’s own mind … language is the reflection of mind afterall..a liberated mind is a free mind and makes best use of words to convey meaningfully. Kudos Swati…keep writing and spreading the light like a firefly in this darkness of ignorance.

Asha Kapoor
Asha Kapoor
1 year ago

Very well written article- Mind your language.
You have covered all the possible aspects of language like physical, emotional, verbal, mental etc. God bless you dear