


I, being brought up in a teachers’ family know the difficulties of teachers here in India. My father was a professor of physics in Delhi University, main department and my mother a teacher in Air Force School. As a family, we knew the three W’s: Where, Why and When in…

Among the various relations that we make in our life journey, there is one relation that is called relationship for life or partnership for life. Yes, this relationship between husband and wife is the one that has long term association. Have you ever thought that though parent-child relation is the…

Stagnation leads to boredom and monotony. We always desire for transition in life. If we are stationed at one place for work or staying at home for long, we look for change. Similarly, we seek for variation and change in our appearance as we want to look different. But most…

It was September, onset of autumn and a beginning of new academic session. The auditorium was packed as it was the orientation program and all students of World University were present. Their faces were glowing and eyes shining as they all had entered one of the best universities of the…

Many men and women around the world take a break from their career for multiple reasons, be it raising children, taking care of family, studying further, medical condition and many more reasons. The real problem arises when they plan to restart their career after a gap of few years and…

“Nothing is perfect. Life is Messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational.” – Hugh Mackay.  Relationships can be complicated whether by birth or by law, by choice or by chance. Some relations go on till end and some relations keep falling apart in our journey.When we are…

Living together in a society, to go to school, to go to work, to enjoy recreation and to be active is the charm of community living. A small social unit of people who have common interests, similar kind of ideologies and demographics come together to enjoy and share ups and…

In 1970’s there was a British sitcom “Mind Your Language” and then later in 1980’s there came Hindi version of the same “Zabaan Sambhal Ke”.  Both British and Hindi sitcoms were a hit T.V series; wherein a teacher is trying to teach his students a language. Today, in this article…

Life is full of question marks??? What profession should I take up? Will and How my business be successful? Should I get married, have family? Will I be able to pass the test? How to build and maintain relationships? And many more such questions keep going on and on in…

Varun and Vidya are brother and sister. Though they looked alike but their personalities were totally different. Varun loved to cook, he loved pink colour, he liked to read books and also play music. On the other hand, Vidya loved to play football, watch cricket matches, play video games and…